The present Arbitration Law in China doesn't have any provision on ad hoc arbitration, which is a pity in the legislation. 我国现行仲裁法并未就临时仲裁作出规定,这是我国在立法制度上的缺憾。
On the problem of designing the arbitration provision, it is especially to take attention on the relation of the mutual agreement procedure and arbitration 、 the items of arbitration and the procedure of arbitration and so on. 在仲裁条款的设计上,应着重考虑相互协商程序与仲裁程序的关系、仲裁的事项范围、仲裁的程序规则等方面问题。
Investment arbitration mechanism is the most distinctive provision of the ECT, it unifies the inconsistencies in of the verdicts. To give investors the right to relief, it protects the investment in energy sector against political risk. 投资仲裁机制是《条约》的最富有特色的条款,它统一了投资仲裁的不一致性,保护了能源领域的投资,赋予投资者救济的权利,抵御政治风险。